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2017-2021 吉林农业大学中药材学院 博士研究生

2009-2012 BETVLCTOR伟德唯一官网公共卫生学院 硕士研究生

1996-2000 延边大学伟德betvlctor1946 本科生

















1. Sun, L.R., Zhou, W., Zhang, H.M., et al, (2019). Modulation of Multiple Signaling Pathways of the Plant-Derived Natural Products in Cancer. Front Oncol. 8(9):1153.

2. 孙智辉,张红梅,侯继秋,等, (2019). 哌拉西林钠舒巴坦钠致皮试阴性患者迟发性剥脱性皮炎.药物不良反应杂志.21(5):2.

3. 孙丽蕊,张红梅,郭秋实,等, (2019). 氟比洛芬酯致喉头水肿. 药物不良反应杂志.21(4):290-291.

4. Zhang, H.M., Zhao, X.H., Sun, Z.H., et al, (2019). Recognition of the toxicity of aristolochic acid. J Clin Pharm Ther. 44(2):157-162.

5. Wang, Y.Y., Sun Z.H., Wang, P.S., (2018). Neck Hematoma Caused by Spontaneous Hemorrhage of Thyroid: Experience Sharing and Literature Review. ITME.

6. Li, Y.H., Sun Z.H., Wang, P.S., (2018). Microwave Ablation Treatment of Primary Hyperparathyroidism: Experience Sharing and Literature Review. ITME.

7. Zhou, C., Jiang, Y., Sun, Z., et al,(2018), Biological effects of apatite nanoparticle-constructed ceramic surfaces in regulating behaviours of mesenchymal stem cells. J Mater Chem B. 21;6(35):5621-5632.

8. Wu, J., Sun, Z., Sun, H., et al, (2018), MicroRNA 27a promotes tumorigenesis via targeting AKT in triple negative breast cancer. Mol Med Rep. 17(1):562-570.

9. Sun Z.H., Liu, J., Li, Y.H., et al.(2017). Experience sharing of ultrasonic and pathologic features of diffuse sclerosing variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma (47 cases report). ITME.

10. Li, N., Li, Y., Sun Z.H., et al, (2017). Parathyroid carcinoma: One case of multiple metastases. ITME.

11. Zhang, T., Wang, S., Sun Z.H., et al, (2017). Experience sharing of CT findings and pathological features of diffuse sclerosing variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma (one case). ITME.

12. Li, Y.H., Sun Z.H., Wang, P.S., (2017). Non-recurrent inferior laryngeal nerve: Clinical manifestations, surgical outcomes, and literature review. ITME.

13. Li, Y.H., Li, N., Sun Z.H., et al. (2017). Sharing experience in the treatment of chylous leakage in thyroid cancer radical resection and central lymph node dissection patients. ITME.

14. Li, Y.H., Sun Z.H., Wang, P.S., (2017). Technique improvement and experience sharing of cannulation of the mouse submandibular salivary gland via the Wharton's duct. ITME.

15. Sun Z.H., Liu, J., Li, Y.H., et al, (2017). Multiple recurrence parathyroid carcinoma one case report. ITME.

16. Sun Z.H., Liu, J., Li, Y.H., et al, (2017). The features of lymph node metastasis of differentiated thyroid carcinoma and the choice of lateral neck lymph nodes dissection. ITME.

17. 李艳华,孙智辉,王园园,等. (2017). 老年日间手术患者延迟出院的原因及相关因素.中国老年学杂志. 37(14):3585-3587.

18. 孙丽蕊,郭秋实,张红梅,等. (2016). 注射用美洛西林钠舒巴坦钠和三磷酸胞苷二钠联合应用致药物性肝损害1例.中国药物警戒. 13(09):572-574.

19. 张红梅,郭秋实,孙丽蕊,等. (2016). 1例鲍曼不动杆菌肺部感染患者的药学监护.中国药物应用与监测.13(02):92-94.

20. 李艳华,孙智辉,王园园,等. (2015). 糖尿病病人与高龄干燥病患者角质层功能特性.中国老年学杂志. 35(24):7077-7079.

21. Song, Y.Q., Yan, H.Y., Sun, Z.H., et al, (2015). development and validation of a LC-MS/MS method for determination of pinoresinol diglucoside in rats plasma:application to pharmacokinetic study. Pak.J.Pharm.Sci. 28(6): 2083-2089.

22. 张红梅,肖丽,朱淑华,等. (2015). PDCA管理法在降低公司住院药房退药率中的应用.实用药物与临床. 18(08):1003-1007.

23. 孙丽蕊,侯继秋,张红梅,等. (2015). 一例妊娠期妇女应用吸入用糖皮质激素治疗咳嗽的用药分析.实用药物与临床. 18(08):969-971.

24. 郭秋实,单鸿丹,刘超群,等. (2015). 品管圈在降低自动化药房库存差错率中的应用.中国药房. 26(19):2680-2683.

25. 张红梅,孙丽蕊,田旭,等. (2015). 临床药师对慢性阻塞性肺疾病合并肾功能不全患者药学监护1例.中国医药导报. 12(01):108-112.

26.Chen, C., Sun, Z.H., Li, Y.Y., et al, (2014). Osteogenic commitment of mesenchymal stem cells in apatite nanorod-aligned ceramics. ACS Applied Materials Interfaces. 6(24): 21886-93.

27. 张红梅,孙丽蕊,田旭,等. (2014). 临床药师对1例高血压患者降压药物的选择.药学与临床研究. 22(06):551-552.

28. Sun, Z.H., Li, Y.Y., et al, (2014). Rapid osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells on hydroxyapatite nanocrystal clusters-oriented nanotopography. RSC Adv. 4: 58019-58026.

29. Sun, Z.H., et al, (2014). The Anticonvulsant Effects of SR 57227 on Pentylenetetrazole-Induced Seizure in Mice. PLoS One. 9(4): e93158

30. 孙丽蕊,宋燕青,张红梅,等. (2014). 糖尿病合并耐甲氧西林葡萄球菌菌血症患者用药监护1例.临床药物治疗杂志. 12(02):59-62.

31. 王锐,李炳荣,宋燕青,等. (2014). 临床药师对1例克罗恩病患者营养治疗的药学监护.中国药房. 25(10):952-955.

32. 孙智辉,张四喜,王淑玲,等. (2014).临床药师对乙型肝炎患者抗病毒治疗药学宣教的效果分析.中国药房. 25(06):559-560.

33. 陶娌娜,孙智辉,曲晓宇,等. (2013).BETVLCTOR伟德唯一官网第一医院住院患者质子泵抑制剂应用分析.中国医院用药评价与分析. 13(10):886-888.

34. Tan, C., Sun, Z., Hong, Y., et al, (2013). Reverse-biomineralization assembly of acid-sensitive biomimetic fibers for hard tissue engineering and drug delivery. J Mater Chem B. 1(30):3694-3704.

35. 孙智辉,李艳妍,陶娌娜,等. (2013). 复方甘草酸苷注射液致血压升高1例.中国医院用药评价与分析. 13(06):574-575.

36. Xu, J., Sun, Z., Li, Y., et al, (2013). Surveillance and correlation of antibiotic consumption and resistance of Acinetobacter baumannii complex in a tertiary care hospital in northeast China, 2003-2011. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 10(4):1462-73.

37. 闫荟羽,孙智辉,王继萍,等. (2013). 公司1557例药品不良反应报告分析.中国药房.24(14):1310-1312.

38. 蔡航,孙智辉,白金,等. (2013). 2009年~2011年核苷(酸)类似物的应用分析.吉林医学. 34(01):87-90.

39. 蔡航,孙智辉,尹一子,等. (2013). 2009—2011年BETVLCTOR伟德唯一官网第一医院住院患者抗菌药物应用分析.中国医院用药评价与分析. 13(01):16-20.

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